Request and Authorization To Release Health Information Request And Authorization To Release Health Information HiddenRequest And Authorization To Release Health InformationSECTION I. PATIENT INFORMATIONPatient Name(Required) First Middle Last Date of Birth(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Social Security Number(Required) Address(Required) Address City State ZIP / Postal Code Home PhoneCell PhoneSECTION II. INFORMATION REQUESTEDBy signing this Authorization, I acknowledge and agree that Highpoint Dental Care (the “Practice”) may use or disclose my Protected Health Information for the purpose and to the extent that I indicate below (Check all that apply): Complete medical record Health care information in my medical record relating to the following treatment or condition: Health care information in my medical record for the date(s): Other, i.e. x-rays, bills (specify dates): SECTION III. RECIPIENT AND PURPOSEI authorize the Practice to disclose the protected health information, as indicated above, to:Name(Required) First Last Organization/Entity Address(Required) Street Address City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Phone(Required)FaxThis protected health information is being used or disclosed for the following purpose:(Required) Transfer of records to another provider Transfer of records to complete health records at another entity Insurance claims information Personal use Other Other (describe) I understand that I may change my mind and revoke this Authorization in writing at any time by notifying the Privacy Officer, 3574 S. Tower Rd., Ste. B, Aurora, CO 80017 fax 303-617-9100. The revocation will not apply to the extent that the Practice has already taken action where it relied on my permission. I have the right to inspect or copy my Protected Health Information and request amendments where appropriate.This Authorization shall expire sixty (60) days after the date below, unless I state a different expiration date here: The Protected Health Information used or disclosed as a result of this Authorization may be redisclosed by the recipient and no longer protected under federal privacy regulations. I understand that I may refuse to sign this Authorization, and if I do refuse, my ability to obtain treatment will not be effected. By signing below, I authorize the Practice to use or disclose my Protected Health Information as specified in this Authorization.Signature (Patient)(Required) Date(Required) MM slash DD slash YYYY Print Name(Required) If this Authorization has been signed by a personal representative on behalf of an individual (for example, the parent or guardian of a minor), his/her authority to act on behalf of the individual must be set forth here: